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287153630Please share any obstacles you encountered in providing adequate access to justice for self-represented litigants and suggestions, if any, to overcome those obstacles.Obstacles encountered in providing adequate access to justice for self-represented litigants and suggestions, if any, to overcome those obstacles.
(Hover on the chart for more information and click on the chart to see which courts chose that response.)
Obstacles encountered in providing adequate access to justice for self-represented litigants and suggestions, if any, to overcome those obstacles.
10th JDC
The local Legal Services Agency is very restricted in the number and types of cases that it will handle.
11th JDC
The court donated blank forms to the Sabine Parish Library for self-represented litigants to use in divorces and child custody matters. If a litigant says they are unable to afford an attorney, the court first gives them the number for legal services. The litigant is also told that the court is unable to give legal advice, but that forms are available for self-representation at the library.
21st JDC
The court has problems getting requests for interpreters in enough time to get them booked. The court asks that the requests be done by several agencies from the courtroom.
22nd JDC
Self-represented litigants do not understand why court staff is unable to give legal advice.
25th JDC
Lack of access to sufficient office space, technology, and funding.
28th JDC
Lack of available translators in our area.
29th JDC
The self-help desk staffed by Southeast Louisiana Legal Services under a local United Way grant has not maintained published business hours.
32nd JDC
Self-represented litigants utilizing improper forms downloaded from the internet without proper guidance as to which form to use, and notary publics giving bad legal advice.
34th JDC
Lack of funds
35th JDC
Self-represented litigants do not know how to handle their case in court.
36th JDC
Lawyers are often not happy with the liberal manner in which the rules are applied to self-represented litigants.
East Baton Rouge Family Court
This court has many self-represented litigants and has found that the self-help resource center, complete with attorneys, former attorneys, and law student volunteers, has helped decrease the need for corrections.
East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court
In accordance with law, all juvenile litigants must have legal representation; however, parents may choose to self-represent. The court must offer the self-represented litigants equal access to justice the same as those litigants that have legal representation and must strive toward balancing fairness to all parties whether self-represented or represented by counsel.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
Overall complexity of the legal process and high volume-high need individuals.
Orleans Parish Civil District Court
The court encourages self-represented litigants to go to pro bono organizations and use the self help desk & clerk provided to assist self-represented litigants.

© 2025 - Louisiana Supreme Court, 400 Royal St., New Orleans, LA 70130