Performance of the District Courts

Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018



The Louisiana District Judges Association adopted the initial Strategic Plan of the District Courts in November 1999. The Supreme Court approved the plan the same year. The plan was revised and updated in 2005 and 2010 and completely redone in 2015. The 2015-2019 strategic plan consists of five campaigns. The district judges are concentrating on one campaign each year. The campaign on which the judges focused for FY 2017-2018 is CAMPAIGN 3: ADVANCE JUDICIAL COMPETENCY . The responses to the General Performance Information questions at the end of the survey are included as part of the judicial appropriations process. The questions are included here even though they do not always align with CAMPAIGN 3.



Campaign 1: Provide Adequate Access to Justice

Campaign 2: Develop Effective Communication

Campaign 4: Clarify and Define Court Governance

Campaign 5: Instill Public Confidence

Significant Achievements


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1st JDC

The 1st JDC reported that it is most proud of its treatment courts: Drug Court, Veterans' Drug Court Program, and Protective Order Court.

2nd JDC

The 2nd JDC reported that it updated the 2nd JDC Bench Book and forms for self-represented litigants.

3rd JDC

The 3rd JDC reported that it is proud of its ability to hold video arraignments. The court also requested and received a report on our courthouse & courtroom security.

4th JDC

The 4th JDC reported that it installed equipment to assist the hearing-impaired in the Morehouse Parish Courthouse.

7th JDC

The 7th JDC reported that it renovated the judge's chambers in the Concordia Parish courthouse. The renovation improved accessibility to the general public, attorneys and jurors. It was also an improvement to the employee's daily lives, as the court replaced furnishings that were outdated and in need of repair.

9th JDC

The 9th JDC reported that it created sections in criminal court. In doing so, a civil judge transferred from the civil bench to the criminal bench. This was done in an effort to reduce the caseload and enable the judges to better manage their dockets

10th JDC

The 10th JDC reported that it continued to support a self-help website, including a link with forms for the litigants that wish to represent themselves. The court continued the Adult Probation Support Group, which helps individuals on probation succeed. Deputy Clerks of Court are supplied with fliers with the 10th JDC self-help website to give to all self-represented litigants and members of the public.

12th JDC

The 12th JDC reported that it recently installed the COURTCALL system which will allow for video proceedings in certain criminal proceedings. It also installed the WARRANTNOW system which allows for electronic execution of warrants, and implemented a truancy intervention program in conjunction with the Avoyelles Parish School Board.

13th JDC

The 13th JDC reported that it is most proud of its speedy dockets.

14th JDC

The 14th JDC reported that it is most proud of its Veteran's Court.

17th JDC

The 17th JDC reported that it is proud of its self-represented litigant help desk achieved through a partnership with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services.

18th JDC

The 18th JDC reported that it implemented and improved the presentation of the judgment docket to decrease cases under advisement. Also, it initiated Truancy Court, Litter Abatement Program, and the lawful collection of Legal Financial Obligations.

20th JDC

The 20th JDC reported that it initiated a process to ensure those accused of minor offenses are not held in custody solely for the inability to post bail.

22nd JDC

The 22nd JDC reported that it is proud of its Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee and the continuity in its specialty courts.

23rd JDC

The 23rd JDC reported that it is in the process of putting simple divorce forms on the website for use by self-represented clients. The court is also getting the three parish jails online for video arraignments and working toward providing automatic email alerts to judges when someone is arrested on a failure to appear warrant.

24th JDC

The 24th JDC reported that it adopted a "Smart on Crime Initiative" which is a formalization of the criminal justice model that the court has been working on for years. The Initiative includes the building, re-imagining, and strengthening of programs and procedures from arrest through completion, layering various technologies throughout the process to improve efficiency and workflow, all focused on the goals of improved public safety and reduced recidivism rates. The Smart on Crime Initiative adopted by the 24th JDC has received the support of the Louisiana Supreme Court and Governor John Bel Edwards.

25th JDC

The 25th JDC reported that it expanded self-represented litigant forms available on the SRL website, especially the expungement packet. The packet contains instructions and links to forms and resources and was made possible with a collaboration with the Justice & Accountability Center for Louisiana.

28th JDC

The 28th JDC reported that it implemented a case management system for the court.

29th JDC

The 29th JDC reported that it continued development of St. Charles Parish's Bridging Futures project initiated in FY 2016-2017. Bridging Future is a community-wide strategic plan to address resources and service needs of court-involved and at-risk youth and families. An on-line Parish resource directory was developed and shared among community stakeholders as well as on the Bridging Futures website, which was developed this year. The Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Services (SBIRT) tool was implemented and currently serves approximately 15 families. Presentations were made to school counselors and Rotary Club about the SBIRT tool. Quarterly meetings are held for stakeholders to stay informed about new developments. The Bridging Futures Fellows Council meets monthly and includes representatives from the court, schools, sheriff's office, treatment, and community partners. Training for parents and caregivers will be offered at strategic locations throughout St. Charles Parish on topics such as cyber-bullying, internet education, access to the School Board's Parent Portal (to access their children's records) teenage substance abuse, and how to access social, health, and dental services.

32nd JDC

The 32nd JDC reported that it extended the time allowed to pay fines, court costs, and restitution.

33rd JDC

The 33rd JDC reported that its Adult Drug Court celebrated the first graduate from the program in December, 2017.

34th JDC

The 34th JDC reported that it added security enhancements such as additional cameras.

35th JDC

The 35th JDC reported that it renovated its offices.

36th JDC

The 36th JDC reported that it greatly improved access to justice by moving back into a renovated courthouse that complies with ADA requirements; specifically, the courthouse now has elevators.

38th JDC

The 38th JDC reported that it worked with a contractor for courthouse renovations. The renovations put in place much-needed security measures which were non-existent before, such as cameras, restricted access by card readers, and one entrance to the courthouse with screening equipment. The court also graduated five (5) drug court participants.

39th JDC

The 39th JDC reported that it enhanced courthouse security.

42nd JDC

The 42nd JDC reported that it implemented CASA and full-time courthouse security. Also, Division A increased criminal motion dates and the court added mass mandatory truancy meetings to the monthly court calendar.

Caddo Parish Juvenile Court

Caddo Parish Juvenile Court reported that it implemented Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) in Child in Need of Care (CINC) cases. Chief Judge David Matlock has led the initiative in which counselors and child protection case workers inquire and address the singular and pervasive effect trauma and disturbed childhood attachments have on CINC clients. Additionally, the initiative will address trauma as it effects every part of the juvenile justice system. Under court leadership the Strategic Planning Group for trauma was formed. This group includes mental health professionals, lawyers, medical doctors, non-profit professionals, child welfare workers, foster parents, members of the faith community, insurance company representatives,CASA's, probation officers, drug court professionals, and Latino immigrant community representatives. TBRI/trauma informed care is also underway for the youth in detention, on probation, and in Families in Need of Services.

East Baton Rouge Family Court

East Baton Rouge Family Court reported that it maintained a public website complete with a self-represented litigant help section containing court forms and a self-help resource center. The court also upgraded and maintained a new electronic docketing system that is more efficient and gives the court immediate access to litigant information and prior court appearances. One EBR Family Court judge designated one day per month to hear self-represented litigant cases and made no-cost mediators available to them. Other judges are considering following suit.

East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court

East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court reported that it sponsored a conference on "The State of Child Welfare in East Baton Rouge Parish." Local stakeholders were brought together to discuss child welfare in East Baton Rouge Parish and make connections and improvements. Agenda topics included the following: 1. Foster Care - Presentations by Attorney representatives from DCFS Family Services Division; EBRP District Attorneys Office Juvenile Division; and the Child Advocacy Program. 2. Delinquency - Presentations by representatives from the Office of Juvenile Justice (OJJ) and the City's Department of Juvenile Services. 3. Education - Presentations by representatives from the East Baton Rouge Parish School System; Truancy Assessment and Service Center (TASC); and the Director of the Family and Youth Service Center (FYSC). 4. ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study) A presentation was made by a representative of the Baton Rouge Children's Advocacy Center. Additionally, the Juvenile Court co-sponsored a Fall Festival with the East Baton Rouge Parish (EBRP) Family and Youth Service Center (FYSC), the EBRP District Attorney's Office, the City's Department of Juvenile Services, and Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.). Other participants included the Baton Rouge City Police Department S.W.A.T. Team and K9 Unit, the EBRP Sheriff's Office, the EBRP Clerk of Court's Office, and Lexlee's Kids. The purpose of the event was to give foster children and at-risk youth in the East Baton Rouge Parish Region the opportunity to interact positively with local law enforcement agencies and organizations. The event was a huge success!!

Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court

Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court reported that it used a phone interpreting service for non-English speaking customers and increased the use of paperless forms and electronic signatures. The court also improved the expungement process, in compliance with a legislative update.

Orleans Parish Civil District Court

Orleans Parish Civil District Court reported that it provided an environment where court can continue even if the elevators are not working and also launched E-Bench, which is meant to increase effective docket management while on the bench. The court also coordinated a cooperative effort with domestic judges and general jurisdictional judges.

Orleans Parish Criminal District Court

Orleans Parish Criminal District Court reported that it implemented the Pretrial Services Program, continued ongoing capital improvement projects, and continued the Re-Entry Court Program.

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