135322879 | What actions, if any, did your court take during the reporting period to ensure that adequate consideration is given to each case and that decisions are based on legally relevant factors? | Actions taken during FY 2017-2018 to ensure that adequate consideration is given to each case and that decisions are based on legally relevant factors. |
(Hover on the chart for more information and click on the chart to see which courts chose that response.)
Actions taken during FY 2017-2018 to ensure that adequate consideration is given to each case and that decisions are based on legally relevant factors.
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective
1st Circuit | The court held pre- and post-argument conferences as scheduled by individual panels to more efficiently decide and resolve issues in pending cases. |
2nd Circuit | Relevant legal consideration to each case was achieved by employing qualified legal support staff, providing electronic legal research tools, and with pre/post conferences, written memoranda and draft opinion circulation. Additionally, members of this court actively participated in the Uniform Rules Committee, reviewing rules on an annual basis to ensure awareness of any changes to existing rules or implementation of new rules. |
Response | Response_Court |
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective | 2 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit) |
Continued to address this objective through the actions indicated below, or implemented the following new actions to address this objective as indicated below: | 5 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit) |
Developed or maintained appellate guidelines to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the court's consideration of appeals and writs | 4 courts (1st Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit) |
Did not address this objective | 0 |
Had pre- and post-argument conferences | 5 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit) |
Had regularly-scheduled writ conferences | 3 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 5th Circuit) |
Improved docketing and scheduling of cases | 3 courts (3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit) |
Obtained or maintained sufficient staff to ensure that adequate consideration is given to each case | 5 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit) |
Sponsored a "records preparation seminar" to assist district courts in properly processing appeals, meeting deadlines, and reducing errors that might delay the lodging of the record | 2 courts (1st Circuit, 5th Circuit) |