1010800063 | Please share any obstacles you encountered in improving communication with judicial partners through committee work and suggestions, if any, to overcome those obstacles. | Please share any obstacles you encountered in improving communication with judicial partners through committee work and suggestions, if any, to overcome those obstacles. |
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Please share any obstacles you encountered in improving communication with judicial partners through committee work and suggestions, if any, to overcome those obstacles.
2nd JDC | In these rural parishes, communication is informal as needed; committees are not very effective. |
7th JDC | Attending meetings in person is very time-consuming. More use of technology to make meetings less time-consuming. |
9th JDC | Partners need to express vision, intent and any common goals. There were times we tried to implement procedures to accomplish an outcome that was only beneficial for certain partner(s). |
15th JDC | 1) "Who will pay for it?" always surfaces when changes are being made. Identifying agencies who would benefit from proposed changes or upgrades, and obtaining written agreement by these agencies as to their specific share of expenses or in-kind contributions, ensures that all parties are clear on funding sources and agreed upon responsibilities. 2) In our area, recent elections resulted in turnover in agency leadership. Bringing a new agency head into the committee may delay progress by the time it takes for the new leaders to be educated on the committee's work, and/or by the time required to adjust to their own new positions and obligations. If the outgoing leader is amenable to having his/her successor begin attending committee meetings in the interim before taking office, the transition is much smoother. |
Caddo Parish Juvenile Court | Recent expansion of juvenile jurisdiction to 17-year-olds with no funding for implementation. |