857691202 | What actions, if any, did your court take in FY 2014-2015 to implement safety and security measures? | Actions taken in FY 2014-2015 to implement safety and security measures. |
(Hover on the chart for more information and click on the chart to see which courts chose that response.)
Actions taken in FY 2014-2015 to implement safety and security measures.
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective
4th JDC | After meeting with the sheriff's department and courthouse security leadership, the court voted to allow the bailiffs to carry firearms. This decision was based partly on the knowledge that the bailiffs routinely practice safety drills and firearms training each month. This decision will help ensure the safety of the public and courthouse personnel. |
6th JDC | The 6th JDC planned improvements to the courtroom in Madison Parish that will segregate inmates, victims and families. These improvements will be implemented along with improvements to the entire courthouse. The court also scheduled bailiff training for all three parishes. |
9th JDC | The 9th JDC modified entries and exits to judges' chambers in criminal courtrooms, to increase security in those areas. |
13th JDC | The court partnered with the sheriff's office and other court officials to implement a security system, used to screen court entrants for weapons and other contraband. |
14th JDC | The 14th JDC put additional security procedures into place, including enhanced security staff qualifying and training. |
15th JDC | 15th JDC bailiffs used the jury pool room to conduct security training for all courthouse occupants. The court reviewed standard procedures, putting emphasis on the deputies staying alert in the courthouse environment to avert security incidents. |
16th JDC | The maintenance and development of security/emergency procedures was a regular, ongoing activity of the court during the period. The court implemented a courthouse security incident monitoring form. The judges met periodically with the clerks of court, sheriffs, the District Attorney, parish government representatives, and representatives from other courthouse agencies to identify and address current and future security needs.
The court appointed one judge in each parish to head a parish courthouse security committee and to meet with other courthouse officials to address security needs. The court contributed funding for court security officers in Iberia and St. Mary Parishes and hired additional security officers for family court and non-support proceedings in those parishes on an as-needed basis. Finally, the court conducted penetration testing to monitor and maintain the court’s computer network.
The St. Martin Parish courthouse was equipped with state-of-the-art security devices, including a walk-through metal detector and x-ray machine located at the one public entrance and exit. The entrance and exit are Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -accessible and were monitored by security officers during business hours. Courthouse employees entered the facility at one rear entry with an access card assigned by the St. Martin Parish Government in accordance with adopted security procedures. The court continued to secure the judges’ chambers, office suites, and parking area while providing public access to courtrooms. The judges and family court hearing officer coordinated safety procedures including providing additional security in hold areas, moving people effectively from holding areas to the courtroom, limiting third parties in hearings, and placing prisoners in separate areas with law enforcement, to ensure the safety of all parties during protective order hearings.
The Iberia courthouse staff continued to work cooperatively with Iberia Parish courthouse agencies to secure the Iberia Parish courthouse, operating one ADA-accessible public entrance staffed by security officers to screen entrants. The court placed security cameras at every door to monitor the perimeter of the building; hired off-duty officers to provide additional security for non-support proceedings; and maintained a security officer in Iberia Parish to follow Iberia Parish courthouse security procedures concerning bomb threats.
The second floor of the Iberia Parish courthouse, where the judges’ chambers and courtrooms are located, continued to be secured by electronic walk-through devices and x-ray machines and monitored by security officers during business hours. The court maintained video cameras outside of the Iberia Parish judges’ chambers and used television monitors to screen persons seeking entrance.
The sixth floor of the St. Mary Parish courthouse, where the judges’ chambers and courtrooms are located, continued to be secured by electronic walk-through devices monitored by security officers during normal business hours. The court installed a pull-down screen to limit public view of court personnel and judges’ offices and continued to work cooperatively with the parish government to develop a plan to install security cameras on the sixth floor of the courthouse.
The court continued to ban the general public from bringing cellular phones and personal digital assistant devices to the courthouses, notifying the public of the ban through a statement on court appearance notices and notices posted at the courthouse entrances. Exceptions are allowed in the case of attorneys and Department of Family Services supervisors.
24th JDC | The court maintained security cameras, panic alarms, door alarms and a fire control system throughout the building. All employees, guests and the general public passed through a centralized entrance with metal detectors and had all items x-rayed to gain access. The court had a security audit performed by the Supreme Court and met with all entities involved to address the findings of the audit. Procedures for emergency evacuation were continually evaluated and updated as necessary. The court budgeted for the 2016 installation of state-of-the-art security cameras in all courtrooms and hallways. |
28th JDC | The court installed stanchions in courtroom to direct the flow of traffic of non-courtroom personnel. |
29th JDC | The 29th JDC judges attended monthly courthouse security committee meetings and coordinated with the parish public information staff and the Clerk of Court to promulgate new rules concerning court security. The court also continuously refined and developed courthouse security procedures acquired lock boxes for use by the public, and developed new court security signage.
30th JDC | The 30th JDC closed one entrance to courthouse to the public; it is only accessible by employees with proper keys or cards. The single entrance for the public is staffed by security personnel. |
32nd JDC | The court planned for cameras to be installed at the desk of each judge's secretary and in each judge's office; the cameras will include a view to the hallway adjacent to each judge's office. The court also planned, in cooperation with parish government and the sheriff, to implement a security system regulating entry and access to both courthouse buildings of the 32nd JDC. All non-employees entering the buildings will be searched and pass through metal detectors located at a single point of entry into both buildings. |
40th JDC | The court added an additional bailiff/security officer to the East Bank court facility. |
East Baton Rouge Family Court | The court enclosed the receptionist's area with glass walls and a lockable door. |
East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court | East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court installed a badge access security system and new surveillance cameras throughout the entire court and in all outdoor surrounding areas. Following completion of the project, the court updated all security policies that were already in place and implemented new security policies. |
Orleans Parish Civil District Court | The court installed an improved entry access card system. |
Response | Response_Court |
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective | 16 courts (4th JDC, 6th JDC, 9th JDC, 13th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 24th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 32nd JDC, 40th JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court) |
Appointed a safety officer | 9 courts (7th JDC, 11th JDC, 16th JDC, 22nd JDC, 26th JDC, 34th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court) |
Continued to address this objective through the actions indicated below, or implemented the following new actions in FY 2014-2015 to address this objective as indicated below: | 48 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 3rd JDC, 4th JDC, 5th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 8th JDC, 9th JDC, 10th JDC, 11th JDC, 12th JDC, 13th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 19th JDC, 20th JDC, 21st JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 27th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 31st JDC, 32nd JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 37th JDC, 38th JDC, 39th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court) |
Developed or maintained a cyber security policy | 4 courts (24th JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court) |
Developed or maintained a safety policy | 19 courts (1st JDC, 4th JDC, 10th JDC, 18th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 31st JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 36th JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Developed or maintained a security policy | 29 courts (1st JDC, 3rd JDC, 4th JDC, 5th JDC, 7th JDC, 8th JDC, 10th JDC, 11th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 29th JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Did not address in FY 2014-2015 | 0 |
Formed or continued a courthouse safety committee | 30 courts (1st JDC, 3rd JDC, 4th JDC, 5th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 9th JDC, 10th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 20th JDC, 21st JDC, 22nd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 31st JDC, 33rd JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Had a cyber security audit performed | 3 courts (Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court) |
Had a security audit performed | 9 courts (21st JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 28th JDC, 30th JDC, 36th JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court) |
Implemented or continued coordination of security with law enforcement officials | 42 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 3rd JDC, 4th JDC, 5th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 9th JDC, 10th JDC, 11th JDC, 12th JDC, 13th JDC, 14th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 20th JDC, 21st JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 27th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 31st JDC, 32nd JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 38th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Implemented or maintained an emergency evacuation procedure | 22 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 3rd JDC, 5th JDC, 6th JDC, 10th JDC, 14th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 36th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Installed or maintained security alarms/panic buttons in judges' chambers/courtrooms | 35 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 3rd JDC, 4th JDC, 5th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 9th JDC, 10th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 19th JDC, 21st JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 31st JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 37th JDC, 38th JDC, 39th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court) |
Installed or maintained security equipment | 33 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 5th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 8th JDC, 9th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 31st JDC, 32nd JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 35th JDC, 37th JDC, 39th JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Sponsored safety and/or security training | 12 courts (2nd JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 29th JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |
Trained court personnel in better security | 28 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 3rd JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 11th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 17th JDC, 18th JDC, 21st JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 38th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court) |