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184779467Please share any additional strategies or the details of the strategies above in which you provided language access to the courts.Please share any additional strategies or the details of the strategies above in which you provided language access to the courts.
(Hover on the chart for more information and click on the chart to see which courts chose that response.)
Please share any additional strategies or the details of the strategies above in which you provided language access to the courts.
9th JDC
The court recently held an American Sign Language course at the courthouse; court employees benefited from the training.
17th JDC
The court used PowerPoint slide shows shown before court.
22nd JDC
Interpreters not registered/qualified through LASC are qualified by judges. As the court generally used one firm to provide interpreters, it has been requested that all interpreters become registered/qualified through LASC. The court looked into CourtCall but found it cost-prohibitive.
25th JDC
The court used its iPad to provide basic information to Spanish speaking litigants using English-to-Spanish translator.
38th JDC
The Drug Court Participant handbook was written in plain English on a 6th-grade reading level.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
Non-English speaking parties always provided interpreters.

© 2025 - Louisiana Supreme Court, 400 Royal St., New Orleans, LA 70130