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1010800105What actions, if any, did your court take in FY 2015-2016 to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?Actions taken in FY 2015-2016 to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(Hover on the chart for more information and click on the chart to see which courts chose that response.)
Actions taken in FY 2015-2016 to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective
2nd JDC
The 2nd JDC reported that the Bienville Parish Courthouse has braille signage.
11th JDC
The 11th JDC ensured that the court elevator was maintained and remained in good working condition. The court also maintained in good working condition the infra-red hearing assistance system to aid hearing-impaired individuals in the courtroom.
15th JDC
The 15th JDC provided an assistive listening device for an attorney in court and provided an amplified phone set for a hearing-impaired employee.
16th JDC
The judges worked with local officials to ensure the court's physical facilities are in compliance with ADA as a regular, ongoing activity of the court. The court also maintained a list of signage service providers to secure services as they may be needed and will continue to develop this resource list. Courtroom sound systems were monitored on a regular, ongoing basis and improvements were made as needed. Individual judges and hearing officers make accommodates when requested and the family court program allows parties to attend hearing officer conferences via Skype or conference call if participation in person is difficult due to a medical condition or inability to travel. The judge assigned to the case must consent and and the attorney for the party must attend the conference and be granted the power to sign on behalf of the client, binding the client to a consent judgment if an agreement is reached. The court also made available assisted listening devices in courtrooms and installed large monitors in hearing officers' offices so that information may be presented visually for hearing-impaired individuals.
35th JDC
The 35th JDC retained an architectural firm to address Americans With Disabilities Act compliance issues in the courthouse.
Caddo Parish Juvenile Court
Caddo Juvenile Court remodeled court rooms to ensure compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
The Jefferson Parish Juvenile courtroom plans were updated to allow for access in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective7 courts (2nd JDC, 11th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 35th JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court)
Continued to address this objective through the actions indicated below, or implemented the following new actions in FY 2015-2016 to address this objective as indicated below:39 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 4th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 8th JDC, 9th JDC, 11th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 19th JDC, 21st JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 27th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 35th JDC, 36th JDC, 37th JDC, 38th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, Caddo Parish Juvenile Court, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court)
Developed or maintained ADA non-discrimination policies or court rules28 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 4th JDC, 6th JDC, 7th JDC, 8th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 16th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 36th JDC, 38th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court)
Developed or maintained an emergency evacuation procedure to accommodate disabled patrons/employees19 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 7th JDC, 12th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 33rd JDC, 36th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court)
Developed or maintained written essential functions for court jobs17 courts (1st JDC, 4th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 16th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 28th JDC, 30th JDC, 36th JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court)
Did not address in FY 2015-20169 courts (3rd JDC, 5th JDC, 10th JDC, 13th JDC, 18th JDC, 20th JDC, 31st JDC, 32nd JDC, 39th JDC)
Established or maintained a complaint procedure16 courts (2nd JDC, 4th JDC, 7th JDC, 9th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 34th JDC, 36th JDC, 42nd JDC, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court)
Established or maintained a list of available real-time court reporters and sign language interpreters25 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 4th JDC, 9th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 19th JDC, 21st JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 25th JDC, 26th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 34th JDC, 36th JDC, 42nd JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court)
Posted or maintained signage (raised lettering, Braille, accessible restrooms, etc.)25 courts (1st JDC, 2nd JDC, 4th JDC, 7th JDC, 12th JDC, 15th JDC, 16th JDC, 17th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 28th JDC, 30th JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 36th JDC, 38th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Civil District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court)
Posted public notices or communications of the availability of reasonable accommodations26 courts (6th JDC, 7th JDC, 9th JDC, 12th JDC, 14th JDC, 17th JDC, 19th JDC, 22nd JDC, 23rd JDC, 24th JDC, 26th JDC, 27th JDC, 28th JDC, 29th JDC, 30th JDC, 33rd JDC, 34th JDC, 36th JDC, 37th JDC, 38th JDC, 40th JDC, 42nd JDC, East Baton Rouge Family Court, East Baton Rouge Juvenile Court, Orleans Parish Criminal District Court, Orleans Parish Juvenile Court)

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