Performance of the Courts of Appeal

Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015




1.2 To develop, clarify, and unify the law.

Intent of the Objective

The courts of appeal contribute to the development and unification of the law by resolving conflicts and by addressing ambiguities in the law. Our complex society turns to the law to resolve disputes left unaddressed by the authors of previously established legal precepts. Interpretation of legal principles contained in state and federal constitutions and statutory enactments is at the heart of the appellate adjudicative process.

Responses To Objective

  1. Actions taken in FY 2014-2015 to develop, clarify, and unify the law.

857700263What actions, if any, did your court take in FY 2014-2015 to develop, clarify, and unify the law?Actions taken in FY 2014-2015 to develop, clarify, and unify the law.
(Hover on the chart for more information and click on the chart to see which courts chose that response.)
Actions taken in FY 2014-2015 to develop, clarify, and unify the law.
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective
1st Circuit
The court's document management system allowed judges and staff to electronically search and review decisions, both published and unpublished, and internal reports, to ensure uniformity in First Circuit decisions. The court sat en banc during this time period in order to clarify and unify prior Court decisions.
2nd Circuit
The court maintained ongoing strategies and efforts to provide qualified legal support staff, cost-effective electronic legal research, and pre/post argument conferences, to clarify and unify the law.
3rd Circuit
The court continued its recent developments seminar for district and city judges within the circuit at the annual Third Circuit Judges Association meeting and its annual August seminar for judges and their law clerks. Judges and staff attorneys of the Third Circuit also participated in recent development seminars for the local bar associations of Lafayette, Marksville, Leesville, Alexandria, and the Southwest Louisiana Bar Association.
4th Circuit
The court designated liaison judges for those courts that fall under the Fourth Circuit's jurisdiction, to facilitate better communications and avoid confusion.
Additional actions taken by the courts to address this objective4 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit)
Conducted discussions between trial court judges and appellate court judges regarding issues of law3 courts (3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit)
Continued to address this objective through the actions indicated below, or implemented the following new actions in FY 2014-2015 to address this objective as indicated below:5 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit)
Created or maintained a docket management system for electronically searching prior decisions4 courts (1st Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit)
Developed or maintained specific strategies for encouraging and promoting effective collegiality among judges3 courts (3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit)
Developed or updated a standardized form of opinions1 court (3rd Circuit)
Did not address this objective in FY 2014-20150
Obtained or maintained sufficient legal resources to facilitate the clarification, harmonization, and development of the law5 courts (1st Circuit, 2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit)
Used pre-and-post argument conferences4 courts (2nd Circuit, 3rd Circuit, 4th Circuit, 5th Circuit)

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